
Digital EUPM2 Guide

<aside> 💡 Welcome to the Digital EUPM2 Guide! The EUPM² Guide describes the main steps and methods for formulating and managing the EU-funded projects based on a tailored version of the PM² methodology. It maintains the same lean but comprehensive approach, to make it useful for all EU-funded projects practitioners.

While PM² is suitable for any type of project, it is best suited for managing EU-funded projects. These latter account for almost 80% of the EU budget and PM² can greatly contribute to increased project management competency and project success in this area by enabling better monitoring and control of EU-funded projects and grants.

To exploit such potential benefit, it is indispensable to align the PM² methodology to the specific context rules and methodologies used in the EU-funded projects. This guide allows to fill this gap by providing a practical methodology guide for EU Project Managers willing to apply a project management methodology to improve the management of the EU-funded projects and the achievement of project goals.

Different studies report that organizations using any type of project management methodology are better at meeting budget, staying on schedule, and meeting scope, quality standards and expected benefits. The average failure rate of projects is consequently lower compared to low performer organizations.

This guide also includes the description and functioning of the different typologies of the EU-funding programmes.

Who is this Guide for?

Index of contents

1.1 The EUPM² Guide

1.2 The EUPM² Project

2 EU-funding Programs and Projects

2.1 Management modes

2.1.1 Direct Management

2.1.2 Indirect Management

2.1.3 Shared Management

2.2 Project Cycle Management: linking EU-funding Programmes and Projects

2.3 Integrating EUPM² Guide in the Project Cycle Management

2.4 PM² advantages in EU-funded projects

2.5 Characteristics of Projects

2.6 Characteristics of EU-funded Projects

3.1 The House of PM²

3.2 The Project Lifecycle

3.2.1 Initiating phase

3.2.2 Planning Phase Designing Stage Preparing Stage

3.2.3 Executing Phase

3.2.4 Closing Phase

3.2.5 Monitoring and Control

3.2.6 Phases Gates/Stages and Approvals

3.2.7 The PM² Mindsets

4 Governance and Project Organisation

4.1 Project Structure Organisation

4.2 Project Organisation: Roles and Responsibilities

4.2.1 Contracting Authority (CA) and Desk Officer (DO)

4.2.2 Project Steering Committee (PSC)

4.2.3 Grant Owner (GO)

4.2.4 Consortium Representatives (CRs)

4.2.5 Domain Coordinator (DC)

4.2.6 EU Project Manager (EUPM)

4.2.7 Partner EU Project Manager (PtEUPM)

4.2.8 Project Target Group (PTG)

4.2.9 Project Core Team (PCT)

4.2.10 Project Support Team (PST) Financial Manager (PST-FM) Communication Manager (PST-CM)

4.3 Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

5 Initiating Phase – Activities and Artefacts

5.1 Initiating Meeting

5.2 Project Submission Request

5.3 Project Fiche

5.4 Stage Gate RfD (Ready for Planning)

6 Planning Phase – Activities and Artefacts

6.1 Designing stage

6.1.1 Designing Kick-off meeting

6.1.2 Project Stakeholder Matrix

6.1.3 Project Logical Framework

6.1.4 Project Application Form Work Breakdown Effort & Cost Estimates Project Schedule Risks identification

6.1.5 Financing Decision

6.2.1 Preparing Stage Kick-off meeting

6.2.2 Grant Agreement

6.2.3 Partnership Agreement

6.2.4 Project Handbook Project Roles and Responsibilities Project Management Plans Project-Specific Plans Other

6.2.5 Project Work Plan (update)

6.2.6 Communication and Dissemination Plan

6.2.7 Outsourcing Plan

6.2.8 Deliverables Acceptance Plan

6.2.9 Phase Gate: RfE (Ready for Executing)

7 Executing Phase – Activities and Artefacts

7.1 Executing Kick-off Meeting

7.2 Project Coordination

7.3 Quality Assurance

7.4 Communicate Project Results

7.5 Project Reporting to the Contracting Authority (CA)

7.6 Phase Gate: RfC (Ready for Closing)

8 Closing Phase – Activities and Artefacts

8.1 Project-End Review Meeting

8.2 Project Final Report

8.3 Administrative Closure

Post-closing obligations

9 Monitoring and Control – Activities and Artefacts

9.1 Monitor Project Performance

9.2 Control Schedule

9.3 Control Cost

9.4 Manage Stakeholders

9.5 Manage Requirements

9.6 Manage Project Change

9.7 Manage Risk

9.8 Manage Issues and Decisions

9.9 Manage Quality

9.10 Manage Deliverables Acceptance

9.11 Manage Outsourcing

Appendix A: Contributions and Acknowledgements

Appendix B: Practices and standards in Project Design and Management

Appendix C: Tailoring rationale and guidelines

Appendix D: Partnerships and Stakeholders in EU-funded projects

Appendix E: The Logical Framework Approach

F.1 EUPM² Guide ARSCI Table

F.2 EUPM² Guide Artefacts Landscape

F.3 EUPM² Guide Activities and Artefacts