
Digital EUPM2 Guide

9.9 Manage Quality

Project quality management aims to ensure that the project will achieve the expected results in the most efficient way and that deliverables will be accepted by the relevant stakeholders. It involves overseeing all the activities needed to maintain a desired level of excellence. This includes performing quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality improvement throughout the project until the Closing Phase and the final acceptance of the project. Configuration management helps project stakeholders manage project artefacts and deliverables effectively by providing a single reliable reference to these artefacts and deliverables, thereby ensuring that the correct versions are delivered to the project requestor/client.

The EU Project Manager (EUPM) must ensure that the objectives, approach, requirements, activities, metrics and responsibilities for quality management are clearly defined and documented in the Quality Management Plan.

Key participants Description
EU Project Manager (EUPM) Ensures that all quality controls are carried out as planned.
Partners Project Managers (PtEUPM) Support the EU Project Manager (EUPM) in ensuring that all quality controls are carried out as planned for their share of assigned activities
Project Core Team (PCT) Assists with Quality Control.
Project Quality Assurance (PQA) Reviews project quality.




Monitoring and Control CA PSC GO DC PTG CR EUPM PtPM PCT PST
Manage Quality n.a. I A C C I R S C n.a.


9.8 Manage Issues and Decisions

9.10 Manage Deliverables Acceptance