
Digital EUPM2 Guide

Appendix E: The Logical Framework Approach

The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) is a participatory process that helps in the analysis, design and planning of projects. It is very frequently used in conjunction with the Project Cycle Management (PCM). The purpose of the LFA is to gain a deep understanding of the context and initial conditions and systematize and structure the information in a standardize way (the Logical Framework Matrix - LFM). The key elements in the LFA process are:

The LFA is generally structured in 3 parts: analysis, design, and planning, which each one of them having several steps and generating specific outputs.


It is very important to distinguish the LFA as an analytical process, and the Logical Framework Matrix (LFM), which is the structured document where the information and analysis are summarized and structured to facilitate the planning of the project.

The LFM is generally structured in rows and columns. Additional columns may be added to include targets or baseline information, but there should be an element of balance not to overload the matrix with information, risking to reduce its usefulness:

Internal Logic Indicators Sources of Verification Assumptions

The LFM presents a standardized template that summarizes key project elements, providing project managers with an overview of objectives, scope, and activities as well as indicators, targets and success factors.

Appendix D: Partnerships and Stakeholders in EU-funded projects

F.1 EUPM² Guide ARSCI Table